Read about expat mom "Warda" that took almost 3 years to feel happy again.

“In the beginning, I didn’t feel very attached to the baby,” says Warda. “And I also I would cry for no reason, and I would have these long periods of loneliness; I didn’t want to meet anybody. I didn’t want to look at the baby and I would feel worthless. I couldn’t figure out why this was happening to me, because I was very happy [earlier] and my family was very happy. Of course I was grateful for the blessing – sometimes, you know, when you tell people, they say, ‘You are being ungrateful’, but I think that’s absolutely wrong and of course you are grateful for the gift, but it’s hard to explain that feeling that you get.”
Initially, say the doctors, a swaying of moods is expected. As is a mild case of PPD, also known as the baby blues..
The 3 Types of PPD
Baby blues
What is it? A usual phase that happens due to a decrease in oestrogen levels.
Lack of concentration
Poor appetite and
Sleeping problems
Treatment: Manageable with familial support and help with the baby.
Postpartum depression
What is it? If the period of baby blues continues, it may well be that the new mum is facing postpartum depression.
Extreme mood swings
Excessive crying and intense irritability and anger
Severe anxiety and inability to bond with the baby
Insomnia or sleeping too much
The mother may have thoughts of harming herself or her baby – but these are just thoughts
Postpartum psychosis
What is it? The most dangerous of depressions, this can cause a new mother to behave in an irrational way. She may at this point be a danger to herself or her baby.
Felt after: The first three months after the birth
Attempts to harm herself and her baby
Struggling with PPD? Contact Birth and Beyond first in home or virtual assistance.